
Pseudorandom Fun

Exploring is learning!

Here are some more colours for your eyes

Dessin animé!!

Most were created when I was in middle or early high school.

Animation wall

The ping pong ball: A detestable object

Be nice, be respectful!

An average day on Quora

Okay, so first we have some stories from Quora

which is how I spent most of the lockdown and made

many friends on the related discords.

(This included math and physics communities, gifted communities,

personality testing etc., IIT-JEE oh and sometimes Teen Quora)

Classroom Bullying

EA-rationalist slop ^_^

Hello, I am bird!

POV: When you need to complete school work

Tkinter basketball

Why are bananas curved?

My music

They are also from early high school. I don’t know much music theory, but hope to learn in the future

Many more music clips on my youtube channel

Throwback to the lockdown days!!

Luo Ji’s Paradise

Youtube clips

Manifold love game show rap (a high density of rat-adj jokes)

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