
Media - fun page

“I am in my element, my element is hydrogen burning in the centre of the sun!”

“Luciferin, these endless flames are burning me”

“Luciferin, these endless flames are burning me”

That catastrophe is a fire!

“While listening on my cosmic phone I caught words from the Olympus blown…”

When Robert discovered that two friends were regularly reading Dante in the original Italian, he disappeared from Göttingen’s cafés for a month and returned with enough Italian to read Dante aloud. Dirac was unimpressed, grumbling, “Why do you waste time on such trash? And I think you’re giving too much time to music and that painting collection of yours.” But Robert lived comfortably in worlds beyond Dirac’s comprehension and so was merely amused by his friend’s urgings, during their long walks around Göttingen, to abandon the pursuit of the irrational.

In the fall of 1969, the Vietnam War protests were in full swing,

and Berkeley was a focal point for student dissent. Many students

and faculty went on strike. The students in Morrey’s differential equations

course went further than missing a few classes; everyone dropped out

except for me, who was brand new to the country and not yet enmeshed in

the political debate. Yet Morrey was still willing to continue the course.

In fact, he did more than just the usual preparation, he crafted lectures

that were tailored specifically for me, geared both to my interests and

to my level. I never expected one-on-one attention like this at a big

university like Berkeley with thirty thousand or so students, but these

were truly extraordinary times.

once again, the entire [berkeley campus] cleared out. I was the

only person there for two weeks. Fortunately, the math library

stayed open the whole time, which was my Christmas Miracle.

Каждый от чего-то зависим
Будто игрек по иксу
Коли смерть заносит, хитрая, косу
То важно не терять равновесие
Пропорция есть

“Yoyo, I have sourced a new Slav for you!”

“Tchaikovsky, cannons are not instruments!”

“Yes, they are. And I'm going to use 21 of them!”

Wake up, man!!!!

Charlie Munger says

self-pity has no utility!

“Once I get my adderall,

I’m gonna be so locked-in”


“break it down”

“neurodivergent mutants”

“protein powder”

“whats your Signal?”

“gender ratio”

“Studio 55”



“I have semaglutide,

who wants some”

“two sigma”


“prediction market”






tsuyoku naritai

“tech bros”

“the sequences”

“topos institute”


low rate of ideas

per day

